Well, I get the day off today. Thanks snow. I'd like to take the time to post about another album.
Amusement Parks on Fire - Amusement Parks on Fire
Genre: Shoegaze, Indie Rock, Art Rock
This is one of the only shoegaze bands I can really stand. I tried getting into Deerhunter, Sonic Youth, etc. but they just didn't do it for me. It all felt way too ambient, spacey, self centered, depressing and boring. However, APoF deliver. They have a hugely forward sound that lets you trash around and have fun, and the times with which they are ambient sounding completely fit with the rest of the album and don't come off sounding boring. They sound beautifully constructed and worth listening. If you smoke dope, this album's for you I guess haha. If you want a new kind of rock, this albums for you.
not to into indieish music, ill check these guys out though